What can Post-Grad Volunteering do for you?
Written on 7:19 AM by Xavier Career Development
Are you thinking that you're not quite sure about diving
into the job market or grad school after Xavier? Not a problem! Consider a gap year or more of
post-graduate service by attending the Post-Graduate Volunteer Fair. Xavier graduate, Stephanie Howes, describes
her life changing experience with Post-Grad Volunteering.
I was a senior in college, I was stressing out about applying to grad school
and all the work that would follow once accepted. I needed a break from school
but I didn’t want to be that recent biology grad that worked in a lab and lived
at home. I wanted an adventure that
would allow me to give back. While I was struggling with this decision, the
Center for Faith and Justice held the Post-Grad Volunteer Fair. Attending this
fair led me to the perfect post-grad opportunity.
I first got to the fair, it was a little overwhelming. There are a lot of
options out there. Thankfully, I had a good mentor at the CFJ who helped me
narrow it down to only the projects I was passionate about. I decided that I
wanted to work with women or children who have been abused or neglected in some
way. This led me to Good Shepherd Volunteers (GSV) because of its mission to
provide “full-time volunteers with the opportunity to use their God-given
talents to serve women, adolescents, and children affected by poverty,
violence, and neglect”. Originally I thought I wanted to go abroad, but through
my discernment and interview process, I realized that I should volunteer in my
own country and understand the need here before going anywhere else.
August of 2012, I began my year as a GSV in New York City working with foster
care youth in the Bronx. I moved into my apartment in Astoria, Queens, which
gave me an opportunity to explore one of the world’s best cities with a
built-in group of friends. On top of the volunteer experience, I was able to
experience the different cultures NYC has to offer. I learned about race
relations through my co-workers and learned about cultural festivals such as
Holi (see photo) through the free events around the city. Throughout my year, I
was amazed by all the city had to offer and how much fun I was having.
year was also an important year of personal growth. I learned how to live in
NYC on $200 a month for food and recreation. Professionally, I learned how to
be a productive member of a busy social services team. I learned about the
psychological issues and social justice issues surrounding bad parenting and a
broken foster care system. This was hard because I never even looked into
foster care. This caused me nights of crying over horrible stories of abuse and
neglect, and days of smiles and celebrations of accomplishments of the youth
with whom I worked. On top of all this, I learned about me.
volunteer year created an opportunity for me to learn about myself. I lived in
an intentional community with 6 other people. We all had varying religions, worldviews,
personalities and experiences. My community members taught me how to resolve
conflicts and how to really “agree to disagree”. I learned about Buddhism,
Agnostics, and how to be open to questioning. They pointed out questions about
my faith and life and helped me to find answers. I learned about my personality
and how I present myself. I now have a better understanding of how people
perceive me and how to be a more emotionally healthy person. This all came
through tools and support that my volunteer staff, co-workers and work
supervisors gave to me.
my year came to an end, the GSV staff asked the current volunteers if anyone
would like to go abroad. Since this was my original plan, I was really
interested in the opportunity. I was eager to spend another year living in a community
with marginalized people and the changes that it would bring to my worldview. I
am excited to tell you that in January, I will be starting my second GSV year
by moving to Nong Khai, Thailand. There I will be working with communities
affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. This will only help my future goals of being
a public health official. To learn more about my program please visit: www.gsvolunteers.org or to learn more
about next year please go to: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/GoodShepherdVolunteersInc/stephaniehowes.html
hope that you too consider the post-grad volunteering option. You never know
how giving a year to others will change you.
-Stephanie Howes, Guest Blogger
Xavier University Class
of 2012
The Post-Grad Volunteer option could be the best decision for you! But there is only one way to find out so be sure to attend the Post Graduate Volunteer Fair on October 30th. Click here to learn more!
Your possibilities are endless Muskies,
Bridget Tully
Career Development Office Intern