MAJOR Decisions- Tips for Undecided Students

Written on 1:10 PM by Xavier Career Development

Deciding a major feels like a big decision that no one wants to make because it seems like you are determining the rest of your life!  However, it is nothing to stress about!  You just need to do your research and make an informed decision.  Companies today do not rely on your major as heavily as they do the skills & abilities you can bring to the table.
I did not declare my major until my sophomore year at Xavier.  When I came to college I knew what I was interested in, but I did not feel like I was informed enough to make the best decision.  I didn’t want to declare a major because I didn’t want to end up in a study that I didn’t enjoy. 

Therefore, my freshmen year I focused a lot on my core requirements and enrolled in classes that would teach me more about different areas of study.  I also had several conversations with older students who were declared majors in the areas I was interested in.  It really helped speaking with other students because they gave me real advice and experiences.  I would ask about the teachers, the work load, the types of assignments, the opportunities their major presented, if they would’ve done anything differently, and anything else that I would wonder but probably wouldn’t ask a teacher. 

I also went to the Career Development Office and met with a career counselor.  This was a resource that helped me in a different way than students were able to.  I sat down with the counselor and listed things that I enjoyed doing and then listed things I did not enjoy as much.  We also discussed my ideal jobs and areas that I would love to pursue.  My counselor was able to tell me about specifics in certain job areas.  She told me the kind of work that might typically occur day to day, what the pay is like, what my responsibilities might include, etc.  It was very helpful to sit down with an adult who has a grasp of life after college.

So before you let the decision stress you out, just take a breather and do as much research as you can!  It is so helpful to ask around and get different perspectives.  Xavier offers so many great programs that you can’t go wrong!  Call the Career Development Office today, or visit us online, to schedule with a career counselor to discuss your options!

Love and Muskie Pride,
Bridget Tully
Career Development Office Intern