Let's make it an efficient Christmas!
Written on 5:35 AM by Xavier Career Development
Class, caf bonding, rigorous walks to class, work, updating music for the iPod, extracurricular activities, keeping up with a hectic Twitter & Instagram feed— trust me, I know there is no time in our day to set aside a couple hours to search, prepare, and apply for jobs. We all prefer to put it off and have it sit in the back of our minds to stress us out.
Instead of procrastinating, take advantage of your time over Christmas break! Make a quick list of some things you would love to have done when you come back in January. Here are some ideas…
- Shop for professional attire (while you can maybe squeeze it on your parent’s dime!)
- Write or edit your resume
- Talk with your parents about your major/career plans
- Make a folder of work samples
- Apply for 5 jobs
- Meet with your mentor
- Talk to your uncle/aunt/cousin about their jobs and career paths
- Schedule an informational interview with someone holding your dream position
- Find places to volunteer or clubs to join to strengthen your resume
I asked a couple fellow musketeers what they hoped to accomplish with their free time over Christmas break.
Senior psychology major, Lauren Heap, is a Colorado native that spoke of her goals for Christmas break, “I want to research different positions available in Colorado. While I’m home I really want to network with local companies so I can get a job in Denver after graduation.”
Sophomore, Shane Crutchfield said, “My dad is an executive recruiter so he sees several LinkedIn pages and resumes every day. It can be hard to get his help over the phone so I want to sit down with my dad and get his help with strengthening my resume and LinkedIn page. I want to get this done so I am already prepared for opportunities that arise in the future.”
Maybe you could even throw some items on your Christmas wish list.
- A simple necklace to complete your “workplace chic” look
- The perfect tie to nail the interview
- A padfolio to impress employers
Career opportunities can arise when you least expect them. With tests, papers, work, and everything else going on, it is hard to give the job search your full attention and focus. Therefore, over Christmas break, get things done so when an opportunity arises you are already prepared and are ready to present your best self.
Happy Holidays Muskies,
Bridget Tully
Career Development Office Intern