Seniors- Let the Countdown Begin!
Written on 10:03 AM by Xavier Career Development
Seniors… with 124 days left until graduation, what are you doing to get yourself ready for life after college? Have you thought about where you want to live after graduation? Or maybe thought about a job you’ve always dreamed of having? We’ve all heard by now that in the job search, it’s all about who you know. So make the transition easier for yourself by building a strong network now!
There are so many different networking opportunities available to us to take advantage of! The career fair coming up in February is an excellent networking opportunity. It is a convenient way to speak with several different employers all in one day. Even if you don’t plan on working for a certain organization, there is no harm in simply introducing yourself for a brief conversation. You never know where your paths may cross in the future!
Your mentor is another great network! Mentors not only give advice on the best ways to extend your network, but they can connect you with their contacts as well. They may know someone that works for an organization you find interesting, or maybe they know someone with the job title you someday want, or maybe their cousin works in the city that you want to live in- then that cousin can tell you the best and most cost efficient areas to live in.
Tap into networks that may not seem obvious! We all have friends that have graduated- talk to them and find out if they have friends that you could add to your network. Ask your aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, friend’s siblings… people love talking about themselves so anyone would be flattered to hear that you want their advice!
Another convenient networking opportunity is offered in The Career Development Office. The office schedules employer resume critiques where real employers are available in the office to sit down with. Not only will they help you improve your resume, but you get to speak with them in an informal setting. Rarely do we get the opportunity to speak with employers in a relaxed environment where we can hear first-hand what they want to see on a resume, so be sure to take advantage of this! Visit the CDO site to see the Employer Resume Review dates.
This last semester at Xavier is going to fly by for us seniors, so let’s take advantage of our time here! After college these networking opportunities probably won’t be so readily available so make the most of what the university offers!
Let the countdown begin Muskies,
Bridget Tully
Career Development Office Intern