eRecruiting: Making the internship search easier!
Written on 1:54 PM by Xavier Career Development
get a job? Just get a job? Why don’t I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down
into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?!”
Although this quote from Charlie Kelly may be a bit exaggerated, this is
certainly how beginning the job or internship search process may seem.
first step is the most challenging, and that is finding jobs or internships;
whether they are right in your backyard or over 500 miles away. Google seems to
be the answer to everything now-a-days. But rather than tirelessly typing
“marketing internships in Chicago” or whatever major and location you’re
interested in, there is a much simpler solution for us Xavier students- eRecruiting! eRecruiting
is Xavier’s online job and internship site that is exclusive to Xavier students
and alumni. Everyone
has an account that is easy to use! To log in, use your 9 digit banner ID
followed by XU. The password is Jobs. Now you’re in!
is a fantastic tool to use for many reasons. First off, this website is
specifically tailored for Xavier students. Jobs, internships, and co-ops are
all career-related opportunities from employers specifically seeking Xavier
candidates. (Talk about the Power of X!) Once you find your ideal job or
internship, most of the time all you have to do is upload your resume and cover
letter, then click on “apply,” and voila! Super easy.
personally love using eRecruiting because the website is very user-friendly and
simple to follow. Aside from most
internship or job recruiting websites, eRecruiting allows you to specify
exactly what it is you are looking for. Using the keyword function allows you
to sort through a number of different search options from specific career
functions to location! For example, if you wanted to zoom in on graphic design
internships, you can search by those terms to find experiences related to that
your personalized homepage, you will find a list of Xavier’s upcoming career
events, programs, and job fairs; giving us Xavier students extra information we
may find helpful. You can also sign up for on-campus interviews as well. Other
links, such as Going Global, provide job seekers with helpful resources about
job searching in US cities and other countries. So if you have always wanted to
live in Italy, this resource will give you great tips on an international job
with being utilized as a “search engine,” eRecruiting allows you to become very
personal with your search history. eRecruiting allows users to upload and save
their resumes, cover letters, writing samples, and other documents. eRecruiting
also keeps track of your application history in order for you to return and
track your progress.
along with Easter, Reese’s Eggs, and warm spring weather, be sure to stay on
top of the internship/job search! Recruiters are sitting on the other end of
the computer screen awaiting your application- make it easy on yourself and
utilize eRecruiting to your advantage!
the Easter Bunny brings you a job or internship,