Welcome home, transfer students!
Written on 9:29 AM by Xavier Career Development
transfer students and welcome to Xavier University! I am so excited that you
made the choice to join this great community of Xavier students, faculty, and
staff! We really do live and act by the motto “All for One and One for All,” so
we are all here to embrace and welcome you into Xavier Nation. I am sure you
are trying to get settled in your dorms, figure out why there is a ton of
construction in the middle of campus, and master the fine art of eating just
enough cafeteria food so that you are full, but don’t overindulge yourself so
much that you are unable to get up and walk home. Amidst all of these mental
processes, we here at the Career Development Office just want to let you know
we are here to support you! You may find the following tips helpful through
your time here at Xavier University.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
This probably seems like common sense and something almost every
person you have met so far has advised you to do. It may be irritating to hear
repeatedly, but we express this because we all want you to succeed in every way
possible! The only way to know what resources are available to help you grow is
to reach out and seek help when you need it. There is absolutely no shame in
admitting you don’t know something and need advice- this is something I learned
on the first day and still am learning.
Set personal time aside for yourself.
It can be extremely easy to get absorbed into the everyday hustle
and bustle of campus life- class, meetings, emails, and study groups. Consistently
being involved in a routine of academics, time with roommates and friends, and
trying to keep up with laundry so you are not forced to wear the same sweatshirt for two weeks can make any person go a little stir crazy! From personal
experience, I can tell you it is so beneficial to set aside mandatory personal
time for yourself every once in a while. Whether it is just Netflix binging in
order to think about anything besides that lab report, or taking a walk and
having a beautiful view of campus and Cincinnati by standing outside the 10th
floor of Schott Hall, having a clear mind is vital to your physical and mental
Immerse yourself in Xavier Athletics!
What’s a college experience if it is all work and no play? Whether
you choose to attend a men’s or women’s basketball game in Cintas Center, a
baseball game on Hayden Field, or a soccer game on the XU Soccer Complex;
attending any athletic event at Xavier is truly a fun and memorable experience,
and a great way to represent your school spirit!
So fellow Musketeers, welcome to your new home. If you see Fr. B
giving you a wave and saying “Hi, Saint!”, the smell of fresh bread being baked
at Subway, or the sound of the pep band playing the Xavier fight song, know
that these sights and sounds are all are yours to claim as part of your Xavier
experience. Let’s go X!
Your friend,
Jenny Mendoza